In many low- and middle-income countries, though the traffic environment is one of the most frequent settings for police-citizen engagement, road policing remains a largely under-supported dimension of law enforcement.
Recognizing the unique position of the police to significantly influence road user behaviour and dangerous utility of the road, a new UNRSF project on ‘A model for building national capacity for road policing through respective mandates of WHO & the UN Police Division’ was approved by the Steering Committee of UNRSF in August 2022. Acknowledging the importance of providing external support to the police, the project aims to create a model for supporting the development of sustainable national capacity for road policing in low- and middle-income countries by incorporating road safety into the agenda and mandate of the UN Police.
On 27 October 2022, UNRSF Secretariat arranged an online information session, convening stakeholders and implementing partners from WHO, UN Police, GRSP, and IACP to present, discuss, and develop further details of the project.
Learn more about our other upcoming information sessions here: Call for Proposals 2022 | UNRSF.