Platforms of Engagement

The Fund’s Platforms of Engagement bring together members of the global road safety community to collectively address road safety and related Sustainable Development Goals. The Platforms facilitate collaboration, knowledge exchange, and networking among experts. 


SDG Framework


The Platforms are brought to life through the Fund’s annual virtual Open Day – accessible to all;  our expert-led Information Sessions, which are held for all newly approved Fund projects; and our facilitation and connection of experts on specific road safety topics to UN member states.


Open Day

The Open Day is an online event that provides an interactive space for global exchange and dialogue on road safety impact and financing in low- and middle-income countries. During the Open Day, experts from the public and private sector, civil society and UN partners connect to discuss results and challenges in road safety projects supported by the Fund. Here, global experts share insights on emerging trends in the context of the 2030 Development Agenda and take part in conversations on innovative and sustainable road safety financing.   

Future editions will continue to showcase the Fund’s global project impact, focusing on experiences to replicate and scale to help deliver on road safety commitments in support of the 2030 Development Agenda.

View all the highlights from the 2023 Open Day here.

Download the Knowledge Kit from the 2023 Open Day here.

Relive the 2024 Open Day here.

Information Sessions

The Information Sessions gather experts who contribute to aligning newly approved Fund projects with the road safety initiatives of other partners. Information sessions also aim to identify supplementary resources to enhance the scope and effectiveness of newly approved projects.  

The Information Sessions take place during the Fund’s project approval cycle, between the Fund Steering Committee’s endorsement of a project idea and its approval of a detailed project plan. Each session is led by independent road safety experts who provide customised results-based management support, and around the table are a wide-range of project partners, including participating organizations, government, private sector, and civil society organizations. 

View previous editions of the Information Sessions here

Download the 2023 Information Session Guidelines here.

Read more about the 2023 Information Sessions here.


Expert Connect

While the Fund operates within the framework of an annual Call for Proposals, it also accommodates ad hoc requests from UN member states to be paired with experts on specific road safety topics. Here, the Fund serves as a facilitator and connector of road safety experts to UN member states and other development partners. If you are a UN member state that is either requesting, or willing to provide in-kind capacity-building assistance, please kindly complete the Expert Connect Form and Confirmation Statement.

View the Fund’s Flickr page to see our engagement with partners here.