The Project on improving road safety in Armenia was launched in November 2021 and is being implemented by UNDP with UNICEF and the Armenia National SDG Innovation Lab. Read more about how the project will connect data, people and policies for safer roads.
- 09 Jan 2021 - 09 Mar 2024A project to reclaim the streets for pedestrians and cyclists in Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique and Rwanda, implemented by UN-HABITAT, was launched on 2 March 2022. Find out more about the project that will lower traffic injuries and fatalities in African cities.
- 29 Apr 2019 - 30 Apr 2021In Ethiopia, the UNRSF co-financed a project implemented by UN-Habitat and aimed at providing technical support to city officials, to build on the government’s focus to better design and implement policies and make investment decisions prioritizing the needs of pedestrians and cyclists.
- 01 Jun 2019 - 30 Sep 2020The project, finalized in September 2020, realized significant impact with more than 170 speed enforcers trained in best-practice speed enforcement, high-level officials supported in developing speed enforcement plans, and more than 75,000 people engaged through social media on the importance of appropriate speeds
- 07 Jan 2019 - 05 Sep 2021This project implemented by WHO strengthened health information systems in two African countries to provide accurate and timely data on vital statistics for road traffic deaths. Strengthening data systems and improving road traffic fatality data leads to more robust data for decision-making.
- 29 Apr 2019 - 09 Feb 2020In Paraguay, the Philippines and South Africa, the UNRSF partly funded a project on Child-Responsive Urban Planning.
- 09 May 2019 - 31 Jan 2022UNRSF is funding a project in Egypt and Pakistan aimed at building on existing efforts by the national governments to identify legislative gaps in the five road-safety related pillars areas, and to facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue for the development of a more comprehensive legal framework in the field of road safety.
- 04 Jan 2020 - 10 Mar 2023The 3-year-long project is expected to reduce the number of pedestrian and bicycle user fatalities in these cities by 66% by March 2023, saving a projected 600 lives and preventing 1,500 injuries.
- 01 Jun 2020 - 31 Jul 2023The UNRSF is partly funding a project aimed at improving the Argentinean technical capacity to develop policies and strategies to introduce speed management systems, changing the user perception about the benefits of speed reduction to achieve safer urban and rural roads.