UNRSF Project in the Spotlight: Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa
The FIA and UNEP co-hosted an event on the impact of the UNRSF-funded project: Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa, which brought stakeholders together to discuss the used vehicles trade between the EU and Africa.
27 Mar 2023
UNEP and FIA Event

On 22 March, the FIA and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) co-organized a stakeholder dialogue in Brussels to discuss the impact of the UNRSF-funded project: Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa

Africa accounts for 60% of global road fatalities, despite the continent's vehicle fleet making up just 2% of the world's total. The three major exporters of light-duty vehicles to the continent include the EU, Japan and the US.

The UNRSF-supported initiative in East and West Africa is supporting regulations of the export and import of used vehicles in Africa, which will have major safety, health, climate and economic benefits.

In 2021 the project contributed to the European Commission's proposal to improve regulation on waste shipments.

" Studies have shown that the unregulated export of used vehicles from the Global North to the Global South has major road safety and environmental impacts. The UN Environment Programme, working with partners, supports introducing minimum quality standards for used vehicles. With UNRSF support, East and West Africa have already adopted such regulations. The UNRSF is now supporting a second phase supporting similar activities in other parts of Africa and Asia.

- Rob de Jong, Head, Sustainable Mobility Unit, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP

Read more about the project here.