On 30 August, the Steering Committee of the Fund agreed to finance the idea for a project on ‘Safe and Inclusive Road Design in Central Asia.” Today, the UNRSF secretariat convened project partners and a wider range of stakeholders to meet online to present, discuss and clarify critical project requirements and expectations before advancing from the project idea to the full project plan and subsequent execution.
This discussion involved over 30 stakeholders from UNESCAP, UNRSF, EASST, IRF, EIB, ADB, FLONE, CAREC government representatives, World Bank, ERBD and IRAP focused on how the new UNRSF project can improve compliance with international best practices for road design in Central Asia where road death rates currently range from 10.1 to 24.2 per 100,000 population.
Learn more about our upcoming information sessions here: Call for Proposals 2022 | UNRSF.