A data-driven approach that combines real-time road crash analysis with targeted interventions and behavioural change initiatives, leading to a reduction in road deaths.
- UNRSF celebrates World Health Day by revisiting the UN General Assembly discourse that shaped road traffic injury prevention as a right and public health concern.
- Read here the full programme for the 2nd edition of the UNRSF Virtual Open Day.
- Check out our latest newsletter to find out about the Fund's latest updates and upcoming events.
- UNRSF partners on the Future of Transport & Mobility Campaign within the New Scientist and Business & Industry UK.
- The UN Road Safety Fund wins a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award.
- UN Road Safety Fund joins UNIATF to support government action on road safety.
- Read the story on the UNRSF project led by UNDP in Armenia as part of the #moments2live4 campaign.
- Read the story on the UNRSF project led by UNECLAC in Brazil as part of the #moments2live4 campaign.