There are 26,403 schools (Grades 1-12) in Vietnam, and over 17 million children commute between home and school every day, but the concept of safe school zones with reduced speed limits and appropriate road infrastructure does not exist.
Of the 24,153 road fatalities registered in 2018, 2,290 were children aged between 1-19 years, 13.7% of which were pedestrians and 6.8% were cyclists.
To address this issue and promote road safety for children and vulnerable road users in Vietnam, a project on "Safe School Zones in Vietnam" was approved by the UNRSF Steering Committee in May 2023.
On 20th June 2023, a virtual information session was held by UNRSF Secretariat, gathering stakeholders from UNESCAP, AIP Foundation, and implementing government agencies to discuss further project details.
The project aims to reduce road crash injuries and fatalities by establishing policy, procedure, and legal frameworks for creating school zones to protect vulnerable road users and children in specific.