Overcoming Road Death as the Leading Cause of Youth Mortality: Strengthening Emergency Care Systems
According to the latest WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety approximately 1.19 million people die due to road crashes, and 50 million people are left with life-altering injuries. Currently it is the first cause of death for children and youth aged 5–29 years old, and 90% of these deaths occurs in low- and middle-income countries.

Strengthening emergency care response has a high impact in reducing road injury related deaths. A well-organized emergency care system has the potential to prevent nearly 50% of deaths in severely injured people and improve treatment outcome for those who survive. Interventions such as strengthen the legal and regulatory framework for emergency care, effective access to pre-hospital emergency care, training, certification and professionalization of human resources in the clinical care of trauma emergencies, and the design and implementation of emergency care protocols along with the collection of strategic information, are crucial to build resilient communities and protect the youth.

Join us on 29 May, at our side event at the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States. We will host a dynamic discussion with technical experts from WHO, PAHO, and national health authorities to explore how to translate proven interventions into national policies and the co-benefits for the achievement of several SDGs. 


Antigua and Barbuda