Campaña en redes sociales #moments2live4
¡Únase a la nueva campaña del UNRSF en las redes sociales #moments2live4! (en anglais).
05 Nov 2021

The UNRSF's social media campaign "#moments2live4" encourages every day road users – you, me, friends, and family – to reflect on and share those simple moments that matter much more than moments wasted on poor road safety behaviour.
UNRSF’s #moments2live4 campaign will raise awareness on the importance of investing in road safety for better performance within low- and middle-income countries.
From November to June each year, during the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021-2030), the campaign will actively engage every day road users to share campaign messages and post a photo and/or 24-second video of the moments in life that inspire them to believe in the importance of safe roads everywhere.
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