UN Road Safety Fund High-Level Pledging Forum at the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety 
18-20 February 2025


During the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, the UN Road Safety Fund will play an active role in demonstrating the relevance and results of its capacity-building programmes in close to 90 countries. 

In recognition of the UN Road Safety Fund’s growing impact and in light of continuing underinvestment in road safety globally, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety will convene a High-Level Pledging Forum to help replenish the UN Road Safety Fund. More information on the replenishment may be found in the Road to Morocco Brochure

The Pledging Forum aims to mobilize at least US$30 million in support of the UN Road Safety Fund’s 2030 mandate to assist governments in meeting the SDG 3.6 target of halving road deaths. 

By making a financial pledge, you can join this global effort and participate in the High-Level Pledging Forum.


Fundraising & Partnerships Officer: Valeria Motta Armijo valeria.motta@un.org

Media & Communications Officer: Marianelly Diaz Medrano marianelly.diazmedrano@un.org