Have a read of Nneka Henry's interview with UN News: “I am here in New York to remind all 193 Member States of their commitment to the Fund’s mandate and success.”
- Find out how the UN Road Safety Fund will be supporting the High-level Meeting on 30 June – 1 July and keep up-to-date with the latest pledges and announcements.
- Have a read of The Hill Times guest article authored by Nneka Henry, Head of UNRSF.
- The UN Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, launches the book “THE ROAD AHEAD, 26 voices for Safe and Sustainable Mobility" with support from the UN Road Safety Fund.
- Have a read of Nneka Henry's remarks: "Let's execute the Global Plan for the 2nd Decade of Action for #Roadsafety with a mindset of making #Roadsafety: #personal #present #partnership-led."
- The UN Road Safety Fund, together with UN-Habitat, hosted an event at the Africities Summit in Kisumu, Kenya, themed, Championing safe and green mobility in Africa’s cities.
- Lea este artículo de la OCDE escrito por Nneka Henry, directora del UNRSF, y Jane Burston, directora ejecutiva del Clean Air Fund (en anglais).
- The United Nations Road Safety Fund (UNRSF) is pleased to announce that the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has joined its global partnership to address the harsh global road safety crisis through the one we all face today.
- El Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Seguridad Vial ha presentado su Informe Anual 2021, "Making an impact: safer roads, improved lives", en la Cumbre del Foro Internacional del Transporte (ITF) celebrada en Leipzig (Alemania) (en anglais).